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I've not felt my best recently


I've had a flu type virus for the past few weeks! I don't think I've had the flu for this long ever before. I still don't feel 100%.

My family thinks it's something to do with the fact I'm going 100mph with all of the things I'm doing and just not stopping. However, I'm excited!

I've got a roster of clients for my launch in February, I've been exploring caterers, musicians and staff for my weddings and the house is now taking shape to become what we designed.

A lot of hours, effort and energy has gone into these things but I'm sure you've heard it before, when you do something you love, it doesn't feel like hard work.

I've been enjoying what I've been doing so much that I've not even thought about slowing down!

Don't get me wrong, along the way I have had those typical thoughts of "What have I done?" and "Am I doing the right thing", the usual fears when you do something new, different or out of your comfort zone.

However, I came to a realisation a few years ago that it's important to try new things and do what you enjoy keep you happy and fulfilled. We weren't born to work, we were born to experience life and that is how I like to approach everything I do.

In a work context, I moved from fashion (an industry and business I loved) to pharmaceuticals because I saw an opportunity to learn about an incredibly fascinating industry and I knew at Mawdsleys, a family owned business with great values, it would be an enjoyable experience. Equally when I moved onto The Fragrance Shop, it was an opportunity to develop my understanding of the cosmetics industry but again work for a family business, this time with the same heritage as mine and see how that might change my experience. Each time I've moved, I've learnt so many new things and met so many nice people that my initial fears have quickLy disappeared.

It's hard but sometimes it's the right time to do something different or out of your comfort zone and you know that time is right when the prospect of something new makes you engaged and excited.

I'm now moving on to setting up my own businesses because the time feels right. I've learnt a lot over the years and I want to use that to help more people and more clients. The thought of working for different businesses and different people really excites me. I know it will be hard but it is a sacrifice I'm willing to make to do something I'm so passionate about.

Equally, with planning the wedding, I want to enjoy every minute of the process up to the wedding because I know that the one (or two days in my case) will go so quickly. I'm going to enjoy every minute of it, let my creative juices flow and create something that my partner, guests and I will really love.

Now with the house, I've had dust in my hair, mud up to my knees (and beyond actually), cuts to my fingers and insulation in my eyes but it's been so much fun working with my partner to create a home that covers all of our needs and it'll be a proud moment when we will say we did it with our own hands.

So if there's something you've always wanted to do but not done out of fear, I would say if it feels right go ahead and do it. It will make you feel fulfilled even if it's hard work because you'll be doing something you've always wanted to do or are passionate about. Even if things don't ultimately work out as you had planned, you'll have learnt new things, met new people and tried something new.

If things don't go as planned, that doesn't equate to failure, it just means that something different to your plans has happened and more than likely something better, a new plan, will come out of it!

Enjoy life and do what makes you happy!



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